stringed instrument - определение. Что такое stringed instrument
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Что (кто) такое stringed instrument - определение

Stringed instrument; Chordophone; String instruments; Chordal instrument; Stringed instruments; String musical instrument; Stringed musical instrument; String Instruments; String Instrument; Flautando; Simple chordophone; Composite chordophone; Stick chordophone; Tube chordophone; Raft chordophone; Board chordophone; Trough chordophone; Frame chordophone; Bar chordophone; Chordophones; Cordophone; Bout (musical instrument); Bout (music); Bout (instrument); Bout (string instrument)
  • loutar]] uses a soundboard made of goatskin.
  • A woman playing some kind of string instrument while riding a horse, [[Tang dynasty]]
  • The strings of a [[piano]]
  • Numerous stringed instruments of Chinese make on display in a shop in Hong Kong
  • Arab string musical instrument on display at the [[Debbane Palace]] museum, [[Lebanon]].
  • String fingering is proportional and not fixed,<ref>Piston, Walter (1955). ''Orchestration'', p.5.</ref> as on the piano
  • fidel]] and rebec (from left to right) on display at ''Amakusa Korejiyokan'' in Amakusa, Kumamoto, Japan
Найдено результатов: 672
stringed instrument         
(stringed instruments)
A stringed instrument is a musical instrument that has strings, such as a violin or a guitar.
String instrument         
String instruments, stringed instruments, or chordophones are musical instruments that produce sound from vibrating strings when a performer plays or sounds the strings in some manner.
Bowed string instrument         
Bowed; Bowed instrument; Bowed stringed instrument; Bowed instruments; Bowed strings
Bowed string instruments are a subcategory of string instruments that are played by a bow rubbing the strings. The bow rubbing the string causes vibration which the instrument emits as sound.
Stringed instrument tunings         
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  • Musician playing ''gambus Hadhramaut''.
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  • Syrian qanbūs.
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Stringed Instruments Tunings; Stringed Instrument Tunings; List of stringed instrument tunings; String tunings
This is a chart of stringed instrument tunings. Instruments are listed alphabetically by their most commonly known name.
Bowed; Bowed instrument; Bowed stringed instrument; Bowed instruments; Bowed strings
·Impf & ·p.p. of Bow.
II. Bowed ·Impf & ·p.p. of Bow.
Bowed; Bowed instrument; Bowed stringed instrument; Bowed instruments; Bowed strings
Something that is bowed is curved. old lady with bowed legs.
= curved
? straight
If a person's body is bowed, it is bent forward.
He walked aimlessly along street after street, head down and shoulders bowed.
? erect
see also bow
Plucked string instrument         
  • [[Kantele]]
  • Stringed instruments hanging on a wall. Shown here are 4 Ukuleles, 2 mandolins, a banjo, a guitar, a violin, a Guraitar and a bass guitar.
  • French]] [[Psalter]] from the 9th century (c. 830) shows an unspecified '''plucked string instrument'''.
Plucked stringed instrument; Plucked string; Plucked-string; Plucked string instruments
Plucked string instruments are a subcategory of string instruments that are played by plucking the strings. Plucking is a way of pulling and releasing the string in such a way as to give it an impulse that causes the string to vibrate.
Long-string instrument         
  • Stick figure of 1.75 meters standing next to a violin string of .33 meters and a long string instrument string of 10 meters.
Long String Instrument; Long string instrument; Long-String Instrument
The long-string instrument is a musical instrument in which the string is of such a length that the fundamental transverse wave is below what a person can hear as a tone (±20 Hz). If the tension and the length result in sounds with such a frequency, the tone becomes a beating frequency that ranges from a short reverb (approx 5–10 meters) to longer echo sounds (longer than 10 meters).
Johnson String Instrument         
Johnson string instrument
Johnson String Instrument is a full service provider of new and previously owned stringed instruments and accessories, including their rental, sales, restoration, repair and appraisal. Located in Newton Upper Falls, Massachusetts, the company was founded in 1976 by Carol and Roger Johnson, and is currently owned by their son, Adam Johnson.
Bowed string instrument extended technique         
  • Bowing the bridge, second method
  • Cellist performing a buzz pizzicato. Note the fingernail placed parallel to the string.
  • Behind the bridge
  • Parts of a violin bow
String instrument extended techniques; String instrument extended technique
String instruments are capable of producing a variety of extended technique sounds. These alternative playing techniques have been used extensively since the 20th century.


String instrument

String instruments, stringed instruments, or chordophones are musical instruments that produce sound from vibrating strings when a performer plays or sounds the strings in some manner.

Musicians play some string instruments by plucking the strings with their fingers or a plectrum—and others by hitting the strings with a light wooden hammer or by rubbing the strings with a bow. In some keyboard instruments, such as the harpsichord, the musician presses a key that plucks the string. Other musical instruments generate sound by striking the string.

With bowed instruments, the player pulls a rosined horsehair bow across the strings, causing them to vibrate. With a hurdy-gurdy, the musician cranks a wheel whose rosined edge touches the strings.

Bowed instruments include the string section instruments of the orchestra in Western classical music (violin, viola, cello and double bass) and a number of other instruments (e.g., viols and gambas used in early music from the Baroque music era and fiddles used in many types of folk music). All of the bowed string instruments can also be plucked with the fingers, a technique called "pizzicato". A wide variety of techniques are used to sound notes on the electric guitar, including plucking with the fingernails or a plectrum, strumming and even "tapping" on the fingerboard and using feedback from a loud, distorted guitar amplifier to produce a sustained sound. Some string instruments are mainly plucked, such as the harp and the electric bass. In the Hornbostel-Sachs scheme of musical instrument classification, used in organology, string instruments are called chordophones. Other examples include the sitar, rebab, banjo, mandolin, ukulele, and bouzouki.

According to Sachs,

Chordophones are instruments with strings. The strings may be struck with sticks, plucked with the bare fingers or a plectrum, bowed or (in the Aeolian harp, for instance} sounded by wind. The confusing plenitude of stringed instruments can be reduced to four fundamental type: zithers, lutes, lyres, and harps.

In most string instruments, the vibrations are transmitted to the body of the instrument, which often incorporates some sort of hollow or enclosed area. The body of the instrument also vibrates, along with the air inside it. The vibration of the body of the instrument and the enclosed hollow or chamber make the vibration of the string more audible to the performer and audience. The body of most string instruments is hollow. Some, however—such as electric guitar and other instruments that rely on electronic amplification—may have a solid wood body.